NO-IP taken down, causing problems for remote access

Redlance uses the “NO-IP” service to provide remote assistance, and to provide people who want to set up remote access to their computers.  If you’re one of these remote users, you’ll notice when you try to connect to your computer using the “″ name, that it might not work.  Today, the NO-IP portion of that name (which makes it work) is dead and not working.   It was effectively taken down by Microsoft in an attempt to go after a bot-net, and customers like us (and you) were taken down along with the criminals (thanks, Microsoft).


This also has implications for us dialing into your system to provide remote assistance.   We’ve switched to a new DNS system, but we do need to make some adjustments on your computer to install it and make it work.  After that’s done, you’ll be able to remotely connect (using a slightly different address), and so will we.

If you’re affected, call our office and schedule a quick dialin so we can correct the condition.  Even if NO-IP comes back online, we’re switching to a paid service anyway to help ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.   The free services are under a microscope right now, and may be more trouble than they’re worth in the future.